That’s data. That’s a big tip-off that you’re ready for change.

The first step to changing your circumstances is to divide your life up into five areas and do something EVERY DAY to move forward in each area.
Relationships - give love without condition. Even if the other person is a complete jerk. Give love and mercy. This is for YOU.
Health - move. It’s actually that simple. You don’t have to do jumping jacks or pull ups. Just because you can’t do everything should not stop you from doing something. Get up and move around every 30 minutes. Drink more water.
Peace - quiet your soul. Find a quiet spot and just sit and breathe for 5 minutes a day. Breathe deeply and hold it, then blow it out slowly. If you’re a person of faith, talk to God. Or listen to God talk to you by focusing your favorite scripture. If you don't have a favorite, try one of my favorites, Ephesians 2:10, "You are God's masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for you to do."
Joy - laugh every day. Find something funny. Intentionally. Laughter is good medicine. And it's contagious. If you laugh every day, soon others within your influence will be laughing too. A good sense of humor is one of the best coping skills.
Financial stability - even if you aren't working now, (especially if you're not working now) start looking for needs of others can you can fill. You can make something, do something, or teach something that is of value to others. You may find that in look for needs to fill, you may just walk into your life’s purpose.
If you will do something in all of these five areas every day, you will not only find the silver lining in your current circumstances, you will be paving your way up and out into the life you were born to live.
Trust me on this. I’ve done it.
Rhonda Sciortino, author of 30 Days To Happiness (featured on Ellen DeGeneres' show and included in her Kind Box), was abandoned at the age of 6 months, raised by a mentally ill man and an alcoholic woman in a bizarre, emotional roller coaster of a childhood. Rhonda Sciortino used the coping skills from her childhood to create personal and professional success. Through her speaking, writing, YouTube show and podcast "LIVE LOVE SURVIVE THRIVE," media appearances, and videos she shares how others can use the obstacles in their lives as stepping stones to a their real success.