The YOUR REAL SUCCESS program helps you find and fulfill your purpose

Find your purpose.
Live your passion.
YOUR REAL SUCCESS is a 9-module curriculum that is designed to help people mine the lessons out of their worst adversities and use those lessons as the source of their greatest successes.
YOUR REAL SUCCESS is not therapy, although it can be therapeutic. It isn't traditional success coaching because it's trauma informed, deeply personal, and can be personally and professionally transformative.
YOUR REAL SUCCESS can be delivered to a group or individuals in a classroom, immersion retreat, or in individual or group coaching.
YOUR REAL SUCCESS is the only program that facilitates mining the character traits, learned abilities, and coping skills out of our adverse experiences so that those assets can be used to create personal and professional success.
Dear YOU,
If I could give you one thing, it would be a clear vision of
the perfect plan for your life... the plan for which you
were born and perfectly matched... the plan that can
only be fulfilled by using the character traits, learned
abilities, and coping skills you developed through the
painful events and difficult times of your life.
YOUR real success is that thing that you were born to
do, the thing at which you are genius. Once you find it,
you will never be envious of anyone else because you will
know without a doubt that you are beautifully, brilliantly, perfectly flawed-in-all-the-right-places—in other words, FLAWESOME!
I created the YOUR REAL SUCCESS program to help
you mine the assets you acquired through the bumps
and bruises of life and to use those assets as the stepping
stones toward the fulfillment of the good plan for your
life. Your real success is the fulfillment of Romans 8:28,
“God works all things together for good...”

Testimonials for Your Real Success
“The program allowed me to see my potential, to set goals, and it gave me tools and the ability to execute
those goals. The program and the leaders helped build my self-esteem with encouragement and plans for my
life. For the first time, I felt excitement about my future and purpose. The relationships I gained through this
program have continued to flourish. Even now, years later, the women who mentored me then are life-long
mentors, supporters and friends.” --Shantel Anderson, participant in the first pilot program
“There are a lot of women who want to take their message to the next level, but only a few will do what’s
necessary to make it happen. The Your Real Success program is a time and resource investment that reaps
rewards in areas of personal growth, relational growth, and career growth. If you are serious about
becoming everything you were created to be and doing what you were perfectly matched to do, then Rhonda
Sciortino is the person to give you the tools to take your message to the next level.” --Leigh Esau, Founder and CEO Foster CARE Closet
“I absolutely recommend this program to everyone! This program isn’t just for people who want to write a
book or tell their story, it’s for anyone who is interested in learning how to put their best foot forward! I am
a Realtor and have such a passion for what I do, but didn’t realize why! My goal is to find everyone their
“safe place” and I wouldn’t have realized that unless I went through this program with Rhonda. She has
created such incredible success by mining her own lessons and has been given this gift to share! You are a
walking “Brand”! When I realized that, it really made me think! Sign up for this event and you most
definitely won’t regret it!! Thank you Rhonda, my mentor, my friend!” --Diana Bowen-Moshier, Realtor & Successful Survivor
“I have so much I want to say about this experience!!! We were a small but mighty group of women. I am so
blessed because of this circle of visionaries and leaders. I grew in knowledge, self-awareness, purpose and
confidence. This retreat/conference truly impacted my message, brand and book. I experienced tremendous
growth and improved self-confidence. I went through a career shift this year and Rhonda Sciortino’s
coaching and curriculum provided much needed direction and support in articulating my own vision and
purpose. The time was spent in meaningful dialogue and I appreciated the diversity and life experiences of
the other other women in the group. Rhonda created a safe space where we could be open and authentic
with one another (I have stayed connected with everyone!) This weekend helped me create a detailed plan to
write my book. Rhonda’s feedback was refreshing and motivating. I learned specific strategies to propel my
life’s goals forward. To learn more about my story, please visit Thank
you Rhonda, for a life-changing experience and for modeling grace, empowerment and leadership!”–Kimberly C. Ryan, Educator and soul-inspired storyteller
“It was life-changing. I was going through a difficult transition and Rhonda Sciortino helped bring clarity to
my message. She created a place where a diverse group of women connected and learned from each other. I
appreciated the practical tips on preventing costly mistakes, as well as, the color analysis used for
developing your personal brand. Thanks to Rhonda Sciortino I am close to achieving a life-long dream of
becoming an author, and I will forever be grateful for this experience.” –Dr. Crystal Van Kempen-McClanahan