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Here are the details on this book
to help you find purpose, meaning and happiness

God’s Word is much more than stories and historical record. It is alive and powerful, but only to the degree that we read it and apply it to our lives. 


The scriptures selected for this 30-day devotional can be the catalysts for transformation in your thinking. It’s not an exaggeration to say that these scriptures can literally change the trajectory of your life—if you let them. 


To cooperate and collaborate with God to find and fulfill His perfect purpose for your life, please schedule time to give God’s Word your undivided attention. Pray and ask Him to reveal the depth of His meaning of His words for you. To prepare your heart and mind, read these words slowly. Breathe deeply as you take them in, and exhale slowly as you process what these words mean to you. 


This is a time to take God’s Words into you so deeply that you don’t have them, but rather, they have you. When that happens, these encouraging and empowering words will become part of you. And that’s when you will find yourself walking daily in the fullness of God’s beautiful plans for you. 


After taking in God’s Words, listen for the leading of God’s Holy Spirit. Write the thoughts, ideas, or actions that come to mind. Then it’s up to you to act on what you hear. Make that phone call, send that text, or go wherever God leads. 


The formula for living God’s purpose for your life is to PRAY, LISTEN, ACT and REPEAT. Do this every day for the rest of your life, and you cannot fail! Living the beautiful plans for which you were born and perfectly matched is the highest form of living and the best use of your time.


#faith #prayer #Jesus #God #Bible #miracles

Your Purpose 30 Day Devotional

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